Resource Library

The Resource Library serves as a broad resource hub, including over 1000 documents, training materials, wikis, and curated reports to increase readers' awareness, understanding, and proficiency of several topics in market systems development. Users have access to proposals, evaluation materials, and USAID policy updates, as well as training modules and wikis to boost skills and knowledge.

These resources are bolstered by the inclusion of curated USAID reports published on the USAID Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC) which serves as a repository of reports from completed or ongoing USAID development projects around the globe. The full USAID Development Clearinghouse website can be accessed here.

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Markets in Fragile Contexts Technical Resource Summary

EEFS' technical one-pager highlights learning from the full eastern DRC SeedCLIR report, two technical articles, and a global webinar to describe how development actors and policymakers can facilitate an improved enabling environment for seed in DRC through a phased approach.

SeedCLIR: Democratic Republic of the Congo

This Seed Commercial, Legal, and Institutional Reform study examines the enabling environment for seed across six provinces in eastern DRC. In assessing an informal seed sector in a fragile country context, the study holds key lessons for USAID resilience discussions.

Increasing Feed the Future Impacts through Targeted Gender Integration

On August 20th, the USAID Bureau for Food Security conducted a webinar on Feed the Future’s Gender Integration Framework. This webinar re-introduced the Gender Integration Framework& (GIF) as a tool to advance program design that promotes the Feed the Future objectives of improved agricultural productivity and inclusive agricultural growth through women’s economic empowerment.

Understanding Youth and their Financial Needs

This publication provides insights into the financial decision-making behaviors of youth at the client, market segmentation, and institutional levels and shows how these behaviors can inform the design of financial and education support services.

CARE’s Pathways to Empowerment

CARE’s Pathways program is based on the conviction that women farmers possess enormous potential to contribute to long-term food security for their families and substantially impact nutritional outcomes in sustainable ways.