Resource Library

The Resource Library serves as a broad resource hub, including over 1000 documents, training materials, wikis, and curated reports to increase readers' awareness, understanding, and proficiency of several topics in market systems development. Users have access to proposals, evaluation materials, and USAID policy updates, as well as training modules and wikis to boost skills and knowledge.

These resources are bolstered by the inclusion of curated USAID reports published on the USAID Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC) which serves as a repository of reports from completed or ongoing USAID development projects around the globe. The full USAID Development Clearinghouse website can be accessed here.

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Clean Energy Lending Toolkit

The Clean Energy Lending Toolkit (CELT) describes procedures and shares case studies to help the financial industry determine the profitability and viability of lending to consumers, small and medium-sized enterprises, energy companies and project implementers.

USAID CEADIR Discussion Series

The USAID Climate Economic Analysis for Development, Investment, and Resilience (CEADIR) activity has published a synthesis of its first 17 webinars, which are focused on the theme of "Navigating the Climate Economy."

Family Resilience Project - End of Project Report

This post highlights the end of project report for the Family Resilience (FARE) project, implemented in Uganda from November 2019 to June 2018 by AVSI and partners, with funding and technical support provided by FHI 360 through the USAID-funded ASPIRES project.

Charting the Customer Journey in the Digital Age

This post highlights a May 2019 report from The Center for Financial Inclusion at Accion exploring the three stages involved in digital transformation and provides examples of how innovative financial institutions are addressing its challenges with creative solutions for emerging customers.

Savings Groups for Orphans and Vulnerable Children and Youth

This post features a brief that provides guidance to practitioners working with orphans and vulnerable children. It illustrates the benefits of SGs for vulnerable children and youth and illuminates issues to keep in mind when piloting SGs with this target population.

Resource: Savings Evidence Map

This post introduces a resource from The Mango Tree that is designed to help stakeholders navigate evidence and potential gaps related to savings programs for financial inclusion.