Protecting Livelihoods in Conflict and Fragile States (Discussion Summary and Transcript)

  • Date Posted: February 16, 2011
  • Authors: Laura Hammond
  • Organizations/Projects: University of London School of Oriental and African Studies
  • Document Types: Evaluation, Other
  • Donor Type: U.S. Agency for International Development

These documents include the summary and discussion transcript for Speakers Corner #21: Protecting Livelihoods in Conflict and Fragile States, which took place on January 22-24, 2008, and was hosted on the USAID Poverty Frontiers Website, The discussion was facilitated by Laura Hammond, Lecturer in Development Studies at the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies. 

In complex humanitarian emergencies, the need to provide life-saving support often masks another essential need: to protect or restore livelihoods. This online discussion forum looked at the reasons for and role of a livelihoods approach in conflict and fragile states and address approaches to providing this support in a context of conflict or fragility.

This resource is a five-page Summary Report written by Laura Hammond on the main themes and ideas shared during the Speakers Corner and a compilation of the discussion posts.