Strategy 3: Support and Strengthen ICT Outreach & Digital Literacy Initiatives

Women and girls are more vulnerable to risks not only because they have lower levels of digital literacy and confidence, but also because they often do not know what to do when faced with negative (digital) events. Information and communication technology (ICT) outreach and digital literacy initiatives can help women and girls (and their networks) understand how to use mobile and Internet safely and protect themselves from the risks. Risk Mitigation Strategy 3 further examines how to:

  • Strengthen and support ICT outreach and digital literacy initiatives for women and girls
  • Partner with others to avoid duplication of efforts
  • Incorporate risks into ICT outreach and digital literacy initiatives
  • Support ICT outreach and digital literacy initiatives for women’s and girls’ families and wider networks
  • Use or adapt existing materials and toolkits


Gender Digital Divide: Risk Mitigation Strategy 3 pdf pdf 963.13 KB