Zimbabwe Employment Market Opportunity Analysis

  • Date Posted: August 23, 2019
  • Authors: CGillum
  • Document Types: Evaluation
  • Donor Type: Non-US Government Agency


Photo: Group of women in Zimbabwe
Photo Credit: Flckr/ZOE Zimbabwe 2010

The ASPIRES Zimbabwe DREAMS Job Demand Market Analysis lays out a strategy to support youth employment and microenterprise development programs that place adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) in jobs or self-employment, building on a comprehensive job demand market analysis tailored to the situation of AGYW in Zimbabwe. The report is designed to inform design and implementation of USAID DREAMS programs in Zimbabwe and elsewhere in the region, while also supporting AGYW to better understand livelihood opportunities that might exist to help them overcome economic and social challenges. Specifically, this report provides a snapshot of who AGYW in Zimbabwe are and the challenges they face; a nuanced analysis of the economic context and opportunities relevant to AGYW; a framework of livelihood pathways with potential for growth and employment generation for AGYW; and a strategy for how livelihood programs can most effectively promote AGYW economic opportunities in Zimbabwe. The report is intended to inform the design of new AGYW livelihoods pilot activities in Zimbabwe and/or future programs.