VC Learning Event: Creating an Enabling Environment (Session Resources)

  • Date Posted: February 12, 2012
  • Document Types: Tool, Other
  • Donor Type: U.S. Agency for International Development

The related resources below are products of the "Creating an Enabling Environment" session of USAID's Meeting the Challenges of Value Chain Development: A Learning Event.

Session Description:

The business enabling environment is but part of the larger market system that value chain programs aim to affect. This session began with an overview of this system, looking at how the policy environment, social and cultural norms, infrastructure and governance interact with value chains and their service markets. Panelists and participants explored “hot issues” faced by those engaged in business environment programming and reform such as the effect of de-linking value chain and enabling environment programs, the challenges of public-private dialogue, and achieving private sector involvement in the policymaking process.