USAID CEADIR Discussion Series

  • Date Posted: October 17, 2019
  • Authors: Marketlinks Team
  • Document Types: Other
  • Donor Type: U.S. Agency for International Development


Photo description: Images of CEADIR Series events
Photo: CEADIR Series events

Since February 2015, the USAID Climate Economic Analysis for Development, Investment, and Resilience (CEADIR) activity has hosted a regular in-person and online discussion series entitled, “Navigating the Climate Economy” (colloquially known as the CEADIR Series). Speakers have focused on new developments in financing, economic and financial analysis, policies, planning and strategies for energy efficiency and scaling up use of renewables, sustainable landscapes (agriculture, forestry and other land uses), and adaptation to climate change and variability. The series began with overviews of climate change economics and private investment and gradually shifted to address specific financial instruments and mechanisms, financing sources, and case studies. In its final year, the series spotlighted CEADIR’s most prominent accomplishments and findings, particularly within climate finance. 

Through its 25+ events, the CEADIR Series events generated a rich body of knowledge from a crucial period in climate finance that included the 2015 Paris Agreement and the 2016 U.S. elections. A synthesis of the first 17 webinars, published in June 2017, identified common themes. These included greater recognition of the importance of engaging the private sector as an active partner—as a source of investment capital and to design and implement climate actions—and the crucial role of multilateral development banks, the Green Climate Fund, and loan guarantee and trade insurance programs in de-risking private sector investments. All past CEADIR Series events can be found on Climatelinks, through the CEADIR Series YouTube channel, and by searching the USAID Development Experience Clearinghouse for "CEADIR Discussion Series."

Download and read the full CEADIR synthesis report below.