Synthesis report: Unlocking Opportunities for decent job creation in Lebanon's horticulture sector

  • Date Posted: January 12, 2022
  • Authors: ILO
  • Organizations/Projects: ILO - Approach to Inclusive Market Systems (AIMS) for Refugees and Host Communities

A market system analysis of the horticulture sector with a view to promoting livelihoods of Lebanese host communities and Syrian refugees.

Short description

In Lebanon, the ILO’s focus in the PROSPECTS Partnership  is on enhancing resilience of Lebanon’s crisis-hit labour market and creating better livelihoods for both Lebanese host communities and Syrian refugees. It will do so by promoting the development of market-relevant skills, enhancing employment placement services and labour market governance, strengthening social protection schemes, and promoting micro, small and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs) and sectors with potential for decent job creation. Amongst other tools and approaches, the ILO will use its Approach to Inclusive Market Systems (AIMS) to unlock opportunities for decent job creation in the horticulture sector.

This Market Systems Analysis was conducted by the Springfield Centre with technical backstopping from the AIMS team.It summarizes the key findings of the covered (or greenhouse) horticulture market assessment and seeks to inform and provide recommendations for the design of targeted interventions to increase economic opportunities and benefits for Lebanese farming households whilst also improving job prospects, working conditions and incomes for refugees in Lebanon’s horticulture sector.

This is a brief synthesis of the report. A more detailed version is located here.