Smart Note: Treating Clients with Respect at Fundación Mundo Mujer Popayán

  • Date Posted: March 12, 2012
  • Organizations/Projects: Smart Campaign
  • Donor Type: U.S. Agency for International Development

Treating clients with dignity and respect helps financial service providers adhere to both their social mission and financial goals. It is a “win-win”—the client is satisfied and the provider gains the client’s loyalty and continued business.  This dual advantage can motivate providers to improve their policies and procedures governing staff-client relations, including collections practices, ethical standards, complaints mechanisms, and staff training.

This Smart Note describes how Fundación Mundo Mujer Popayán developed a stronger pro-client attitude. The institution took time to listen to clients, collected their feedback and suggestions and used this information as guiding principles for developing new policies and procedures.  The result is a set of complementary policies, that, unlike previous material, use specific problem situations to address potential weaknesses in client protection practices.