Pilot Test of the New Social Performance Tool

  • Date Posted: February 22, 2011
  • Authors: Gary Woller
  • Organizations/Projects: Chemonics International
  • Document Types: Case Study or Vignette, Technical Report
  • Donor Type: U.S. Agency for International Development

Two primary uses are envisioned for the SPA tool: social ratings integrated with financial ratings and stand-alone social audits. During March 23-29, 2006, Dr. Gary Woller (the lead researcher for the project) conducted a pilot test with a team from PlanetRating to integrate a social rating in the financial rating of the Asociacin Ecumnica de Desarrollo (ANED), a microfinance institution (MFI) based in La Paz, Bolivia. This microREPORT summarizes the results and lessons learned from this pilot test and includes recommendations for further testing and refining of the SPA tool and for scaling up its use. PlanetRating's GIRAFES report on ANED, including the social audit results, appear as an annex to this report.