LIFT Assessment of Livelihood Strategies to Promote Food Security among People Living with HIVAIDS in Namibia

  • Date Posted: May 20, 2010
  • Authors: Henri Van der Land, Ben Fowler, Margie Brand, Katherine McCaston, Leah Berkowitz Nchabeleng
  • Organizations/Projects: FHI 360
  • Document Types: Assessment
  • Donor Type: U.S. Agency for International Development

In 2010, the LIFT project conducted a food security and livelihood assessment in Namibia oriented towards people living with HIV/AIDS.  The objectives of the field assessment were to:

  • Identify and analyze activities with the highest potential for livelihood and economic strengthening.
  • Assess how Food by Prescription (FBP) can be complemented with longer-term livelihood approaches.
  • Identify key market opportunities that can be pursued.
  • Identify existing programs for partnership potential.
  • Consider gender and illness burden issues.

Based on USAID/Namibia’s guidance, the assessment examined opportunities to strengthen livelihoods that could be implemented immediately, as well as interventions that would require a longer-term investment.

Recognizing the impact of HIV/AIDS in urban as well as rural areas of Namibia, the assessment looked at both agricultural and non-agricultural opportunities. Furthermore, the assessment strove to represent the geographic diversity of Namibia by including locations in the north, center and south of Namibia. This report was prepared specifically for USAID to assist in the Agency’s strategic planning efforts.