Increasing Access and Adherence to the PMTCT Cascade: Is There a Role for Economic Strengthening Interventions?

  • Date Posted: January 27, 2017
  • Authors: I. Yacobson, M. Malkin, E. Lebetkin
  • Organizations/Projects: FHI 360
  • Document Types: Evidence or Research
  • Donor Type: U.S. Agency for International Development

Interventions aimed at the prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV are extremely effective but remain underutilized in many countries. Common economic barriers to PMTCT experienced by pregnant women with HIV are well documented. Addressing these economic barriers has the potential to improve PMTCT utilization and further reduce mother-to-child HIV transmission. This review examines the evidence of the effects economic strengthening (ES) interventions have on use of and adherence to PMTCT and other health services relevant to PMTCT cascade.