HES Research Dialogues: Evidence Brief 3 - Understanding the Effects of Economic Strengthening On Adolescent Girls in Sub-Saharan Africa

  • Date Posted: July 19, 2019
  • Authors: CGillum
  • Document Types: Evidence or Research
  • Donor Type: U.S. Agency for International Development

This brief reviews the evidence from four recent publications to highlight emerging scholarship on vulnerable adolescent girls in sub-Saharan Africa. The themes derived from the literature include positive outcomes from ES programming for adolescent girls in education; sexual and reproductive health (SRH); and delayed age at first marriage. Informed by findings from the literature and complemented by recent guidance on programming for adolescent girls, the brief then offers considerations for program and policy design. These range from integrated service delivery models, to the engagement of men and boys, to participatory policy design. Such intentionality in the design of programs and policies will serve to maximize the protective social outcomes of ES programming while laying the groundwork for broader gender equality and sustainable development.