Haitian Catalyst Fund RFA

  • Date Posted: June 2, 2010
  • Document Types: Technical Report
  • Donor Type: U.S. Agency for International Development

To promote economic growth and job creation especially in the rural areas of Haiti, the United States Agency for International Development has initiated the project HIFIVE -Integrated Financing for Value Chains and Enterprises. The main objective of HFIVE is to expand the availability of financial products and services that are adapted to the needs of MSMEs participating in agricultural and other value chains and to support the extension of financial products and services to the underserved rural areas. Expanded access to financial products and services is a critical factor in helping Haiti’s MSMEs to expand and to improve their businesses, thereby increasing livelihoods and expanding employment. HIFIVE works with a variety of financial institutions and other partners to support the flow of commercially viable financial products and services to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and to populations in rural areas. HIFIVE’s main instrument for achieving its objectives is the HIFIVE Catalyst Fund which will support a variety of types of activities. Activities proposed for financing through the HCF must conform to project objectives and contribute to HIFIVE’s expected results.

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