Field Manual for Enumerators: Survey of MSEs and Buyers in Guatemalan Handicrafts and Horticulture Value Chains

  • Date Posted: June 2, 2010
  • Authors: Phillip Church, Shand Evans, Elizabeth Dunn, David Bloom, Nicole Gaymon
  • Organizations/Projects: DevTech Systems
  • Document Types: Technical Report
  • Donor Type: U.S. Agency for International Development

The survey research upon which this manual is based focuses on the barriers and opportunities for growth for MSEs in the Guatemalan textile handicrafts and horticulture sectors, specifically looking at the potential for MSE upgrading. The survey research will also look at the effects of social capital and trust, information, and risk preferences on business relationships and decisions to upgrade. This manual is a reference for surveyors providing guidance for interviewing respondents in the field. It is important that data be collected as carefully and completely as possible. Information collected on the questionnaires will be coded and entered into a database where it will be analyzed to summarize findings from the survey. Carefully collected and reported information will avoid biases and errors in the later data tabulation and analysis. This manual is organized in the same sequence in which respondents will be selected and interviewed. In addition, the Manual contains definitions of terms used in the questionnaire that should be familiar to both the surveyor and to the respondent.