Facilitation: How Much Does Context Matter? (Event Resources)

  • Date Posted: May 20, 2014
  • Authors: Bill Grant, Marina Krivoshlykova
  • Organizations/Projects: Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI)
  • Document Types: Tool, Other
  • Donor Type: Non-Governmental Organization

Facilitation is used as a means to incentivize behavior change and foster the adoption of new ideas by private sector actors. But does this method work across a wide range of contexts? Can the preferred, “light touch” model be effective everywhere? Do we need nuanced approaches to using facilitation that are adjusted to different contexts?

In this seminar, Bill Grant and Marina Krivoshlykova considered these questions based on DAI’s experiences in Mozambique, Nigeria, and Cambodia. They compared several facilitation models, from “light touch” to “heavier hand,” and presented a framework for practitioners to help adapt the facilitation approach to the specific characteristics of the market system, country, target population, and geography.