End-Market Study for Indonesian Home Accessories

  • Date Posted: June 2, 2010
  • Authors: Ted Barber
  • Organizations/Projects: DAI International
  • Document Types: Evidence or Research, Evaluation
  • Donor Type: U.S. Agency for International Development

This report provides an overview and analysis of the global market for handcrafted home accessories and the key trends that affect producers in Indonesia. Its ultimate objective is to provide practical recommendations for the Indonesian home accessories industry and SENADA (Indonesia Competitiveness Program).

Report Overview:

Chapter I: Introduction to this study, including a summary of SENADA

Chapter II: Review of the global market for home accessories with a focus on Indonesian exports

Chapter III: Key trends that impact the home accessories industry, including a closer look at the growing trend in sustainable (or “green”) products

Chapter IV: SWOT Analysis summary, competitor benchmarking and a review of buyer requirements

Chapter V: Recommendations for increasing global competitiveness, upgrading, and sustaining competitiveness over time