e-Course: Public-Private-Partnerships (PPP) - Improving Performance Irrigation Services Provision (Self-Paced)

  • Date Posted: September 17, 2020
  • Authors: World Bank Group - Open Learning Campus
  • Organizations/Projects: World Bank Group - Open Learning Campus
  • Document Types: Guidance
  • Donor Type: Multilateral Organization


Women pump water from a river in Senegal
Photo by Clement Tardif, Feed the Future Senegal - Yaajeende

This e-Course helps improve your understanding of how some fundamental water management challenges can be addressed through private sector participation, a relatively new concept in agricultural water management in most countries. The development goal is to foster sustainable agriculture water services to farmers, a challenge that is made more prominent under changing climate. This 1.5 hour e-course, helps break through the jargon and myth around PPP, especially when it applies to irrigation water management, to understand its core features, the differences between various PPP models, and how a well-designed PPP can help overcome common problems with government-provided irrigation services. The course draws on the recent experience in Egypt, as well as other case studies.

This is a self-paced course - you can register at any time to begin. Follow the link below to access this training on the World Bank website.