Vietnam: Disability Private Sector Landscape Analysis (PSLA)

  • Date Posted: August 2, 2023
  • Authors: Jessica Kempner, , Tran Nam Binh
  • Organizations/Projects: USAID Learns
  • Document Types: Assessment



USAID/Vietnam contracted USAID Learns to conduct a Private Sector Landscape Analysis (PSLA) to improve the effectiveness and synergy of private sector engagement (PSE) strategies among Inclusion IPs.

The findings and conclusions provide insight on why and how the private sector may be interested in collaborating with USAID/Vietnam, its IPs, and other relevant stakeholders in the disability ecosystem.

Despite having the greatest potential for commercialization, the research team (RT) found rehab services to be the most critically underdeveloped market segment, especially in rural areas. Private rehab service providers competed with the public sector for human, financial, and technological resources, and public investment often crowded out the market.

The RT found that opportunities to increase market demand for rehab services lie in expanding the potential customer pool beyond PWDs to encompass post-operative patients, older people, and people with gradual functional decline who may be more likely to afford out-of-pocket payment for services.

The problems preventing greater private sector investment and market-driven solutions in the disabilities sector fell into three main areas: 1) a lack of awareness by all market players; 2) a lack of affordability and profitability of services, and; 3) an unconducive business enabling environment. USAID/Vietnam could consider addressing these through the following recommended interventions.

Please see the link to the full report below.

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