Centering Youth in Green Workforce Development

  • Date Posted: November 11, 2022
  • Authors: Liz Keller
  • Organizations/Projects: Chemonics International Inc., Unbounded Associates
  • Document Types: Case Study or Vignette, Guidance, Tool

The climate crisis and the ability to find decent jobs are two of the most urgent and significant issues facing young people. To address this, Chemonics and Unbounded Associates developed a set of resources to share the youth perspective on facilitating a just transition to the greening economy. These resources aim to provide development organizations with research-based practical guidance for implementing green workforce programming that responds to the priorities of youth seeking viable livelihoods and meaningful green futures. The guidance centers youth voices and draws from Positive Youth Development principles to determine how well youth are being introduced to green job opportunities, the degree to which they feel prepared to pursue such opportunities, and the extent to which these opportunities respond to their lived realities.