Mapping the Effects of OVC Programming and Social Protection: A Case Study of the Community Care Program in Mozambique

  • Date Posted: February 16, 2020
  • Authors: Jennine Carmichael
  • Document Types: Case Study or Vignette
  • Donor Type: U.S. Agency for International Development

This brief summarizes a qualitative case study of the Community Care Program (CCP) in Mozambique to better understand how orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) programs connect to social protection (SP) programs and what outcomes they produce. This case study uses exploratory qualitative research to generate an empirically-based causal model for the CCP. Through a combination of interviews and focus groups, the study team used the Most Significant Change methodology to compile  “mini case studies” and identify primary causal pathways between program components and outcomes. The study also used the Community Capitals Framework to explore how CCP affected community-level resilience. Findings suggest that CCP’s multi-component approach generated mutually-reinforcing causal pathways to child-, household-, and community-level resilience. CCP’s effects on stigma reduction, increased social support, and economic status emerged as important supports for these pathways. This case study shows that multi-sectoral, integrated programs can generate synergistic effects to enhance resilience.

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