ASPIRES Family Care: Economic Strengthening Interventions to Prevent Family Separation and Support Reintegration of Children in Family Care (ESFAM) Project Endline Quantitative Findings Report

  • Date Posted: February 16, 2020
  • Authors: Jennine Carmichael
  • Document Types: Evidence or Research
  • Donor Type: U.S. Agency for International Development

This report reviews the methods and findings from quantitative research into the outcomes of the Economic Strengthening to Keep and Reintegrate Children in Family Care (ESFAM) project. ESFAM was developed to help build the evidence base on how to appropriately match economic strengthening (ES) activities with families at risk of family-child separation and with families in the process of reintegrating a previously separated child. It was implemented in three districts in Uganda from November 2015 through June 2018. ESFAM was based on a theory of change that a combination of case management, social support and household economic and livelihood strengthening would stabilize highly vulnerable households to facilitate the return of separated children to family care and prevent future family disintegration. The project offered a range of ES and family strengthening services to increase family stability and reduce the likelihood of future separation/re-separation. In addition to supporting families, ESFAM offered an opportunity for learning about how to provide these services and how well they worked. This report focuses on the latter and summarizes changes in key indicators related to family-child separation over the course of the project and what the results indicate for future programming.