PRODEL Factsheet

  • Date Posted: May 1, 2011
  • Organizations/Projects: FHI 360
  • Document Types: Case Study or Vignette
  • Donor Type: U.S. Agency for International Development

The Ecuador Local Business Development program, known locally as PRODEL, is an associate award under the FIELD-Support LWA. PRODEL and its follow-on PRODEL II, seek to improve livelihoods for families in the northern and southern border regions of Ecuador by supporting the expansion of private enterprises that have the potential to rapidly generate income and employment.

PRODEL uses a value chain approach, identifying and addressing major opportunities and constraints to growth while ensuring sustainable impact at the household level. Specifically, the program targets interventions at lead firms (or anchor firms) and the linkages within that anchor firm’s business system, reaching ultimately to microenterprises and their families. Program interventions address constraints to the anchor firm’s ability to grow while facilitating the growth of its suppliers and buyers, hence impacting the whole value chain.

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