Participants tweet highlights from Breakfast Seminar on BEE reform in Tanzania

Thanks to all our tweeters who participated in today's Breakfast Seminar, "Assessing the Business Environment of Value Chains: A Case Study of Tanzania," via Twitter (#MLevents). Read these posts for a quick recap of highlights from the presentation by Bryanna Millis, DAI, and Emily Friedberg, Booz Allen Hamilton.

@ChasTPhillips: Looking at MicroCLIR & CIBER in Tanzania to measure business enabling environment on economic reform #MLevents #globalservice

@Microlinks: @DAIGlobal's Bryanna Millis: BEE reform tools incld World Bank Doing Biz ranking, Biz & Ag CLIR, Reg Guillotine, MicroCLIR & CIBER #MLevents

@vasindia: CIBER: Value chain assessment tool. stake holder , advocacy and institutions #globalservice #MLevents

@Maciej_Chmie: Stakeholders + Small Targeted Groups Within #ValueChain = Efficiency in the long run! #mlevents @DAIGlobal @BoozAllen

@ChasTPhillips: Critical BE factors/direct cost effects/benefit foregone/action needed & time required etc. see CIBER tool #MLevents

@Microlinks: Friedberg: MicroCLIR: way 2 look @ #valuechains thru lens of legal framework, implementing & supporting orgs, & social dynamics #MLevents

@Microlinks: In #Tanzania maize & rice #valuechains, @USAID @BoozAllen & @DAIGlobal used best aspects of CIBER + MicroCLIR 2 promote BEE reform #MLevents

@JessicaZ_mL: @USAID Seminar: Vertical integration 1 way big firms in #Tanzania help manage risks at all levels of #agriculture #valuechains #MLevents

@LinzLevs: @DAIGlobal @BoozAllen: envirnmt of uncertainty makes ppl unwilling 2 take risk, ppl who control vertical market benefit #mlevents #Tanzania

@Maciej_Chmie: Storage of seeds and modern methods of storage are a key factor in longevity of production #mlevents #agriculture #valuechains

@Microlinks: Marginal rate of return frm storage 100-500% in #Tanzania #maize VC. Despite clear need/benefit, lack of trust creates mkt failure #MLevents

@vasindia: BEE implementation: behavior change. Mix of Social dynamics, vested interests and Incentives #globalservice, #mlevents

@Microlinks: @USAID's Jeanne Downing: need 2 recognize we have a westrn lens on dev't. Need 2 "sit down & really try 2 communicate," not assume #MLevents

@ChasTPhillips: Wealth generation & market economy aren't universal values! R we presuming needs & values in Intl Development? #mlevents #globalservice

@Microlinks: CIBER & MicroCLIR only assessment tools so can't bring about behavior change, but can help id barriers, incentive structures, etc #MLevents

@vasindia: How to engage stakeholders and influence the governance and politics? #globalservice #mlevents

@Maciej_Chmie: CIBER tool being used in Tanzanian tourism...determining how much licensing is hurting a fragile industry. #MLevents

@Microlinks: Need to build capacity for advocacy and help locals "identify leverage points" to move from #valuechains to overall policy reform #MLevents

@gpconnectors: MicroCLIR project groundbreaking in a way as @DAIGlobal and @BoozAllen, usually competitors, collaborated jointly to implement #MLevents