Monitoring Market Development: USAID’s Dollars to Results Dashboard Visualizes Market Investments and Illustrative Results


Dollars to Results
In Nigeria, USAID’s flagship Maternal and Child Health Integrated Program, led by Jhpiego, supports women’s savings clubs which allow women to give money or borrow it when needed. Photo Credit: MCHIP / Karen Kasmauski

Have you ever wanted to see where USAID provides funding, or what USAID invests in? USAID’s Dollars to Results (D2R) Dashboard can provide answers.  D2R visualizes USAID’s impact around the world by linking annual spending to illustrative results in all of the countries where the Agency works and was recently updated with FY2022 data.

With D2R you can review spending across all countries and sectors, both global-level data and pinpointing country-specific investments.  The sector overview quickly provides insights into USAID's areas of investment.  For instance, you can see how many activities in each sector USAID has funded, in which countries, how many partners the Agency has worked with, and how investments have changed over time. For example, in FY2022, USAID supported thousands of microenterprises and trained hundreds of individuals in private sector engagement concepts.  These results and others are available on the Dollars to Results website, including for download in machine readable format.


A screenshot of USAID’s Dollars to Results website showing market investments in Nigeria.

Caption: A screenshot of USAID’s Dollars to Results website showing market investments in Nigeria.

Dollars to Results is an excellent tool for existing and new development partners and professionals to explore ways USAID is investing in development and the outcomes generated. To learn more about the work USAID is doing each year, check out the website now!


Evan Penrose, Communications Specialist, USAID