An Introduction to Programming for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Savings Groups

  • Date Posted: May 22, 2019
  • Authors: CGillum
  • Document Types: Primer or Brief
  • Donor Type: U.S. Agency for International Development

This publication aims to provide a general overview for practitioners and donors who are interested in, but unfamiliar with, youth savings groups (SGs) with information, best practices and evidence on the use of community-based savings groups with and for orphans and vulnerable children and youth (OVCY), including those affected by HIV/AIDS. We encourage practitioners and donors to improve and expand the use of SGs for OVCY, with the appropriate add-on services (“bundled” services), for better impact and broader outreach. Of particular importance is the adaptation of the standard adult savings group model to a model that meets the unique needs of OVCY, and protects them from inadvertent harm.