Integrating Extremely Poor Producers into Markets Field Guide – Fourth Edition

  • Date Posted: October 26, 2018
  • Authors: Emily Kovar
  • Document Types: Guidance
  • Donor Type: Non-US Government Agency


Small holder farmers
Market Field Guide

The first three versions of the Integrating Extremely Poor Producers into Markets Field Guide were prepared by Dan Norell and Margie Brand for World Vision through the FHI 360-managed Financial Integration, Economic Leveraging, Broad-Based Dissemination and Support (FIELD-Support) Leader with Associates (LWA) cooperative agreement. This fourth edition has been developed under the Nobo Jatra Development Food Assistance Program funded by the USAID Office of Food for Peace.

The Integrating Extremely Poor Producers into Markets Field Guide (Field Guide) is intended to provide the field-level practitioner with tools and applications to impact extremely poor households. The intended outcome of the Field Guide is to increase market engagement for extremely poor households, especially women, through value chain and market systems development activities. There are too many children and their parents who go hungry every day. While the total number of hungry people worldwide has been reduced by 216 million since 1990-92 and there is enough food produced globally, “795 million people—one in nine—still go to bed on an empty stomach each night.” The Field Guide is intended to help practitioners contribute to ending extreme poverty by 2030 (Sustainable Development Goal 1) and achieving zero hunger by 2030 (Sustainable Development Goal 2). Zero Hunger pledges to end hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture. While the global poverty rate has been halved since 2000, more public and private efforts are needed to help families get over the $1.90 a day measure and climb out of extreme poverty. Many other families are suffering in ultra-poverty measured by those who live on less than $0.54 a day.

Click here to read the Field Guide.