HES Research Dialogues: Methods Brief I - The Swift Appraisal of Household Economic Strengthening Studies: A Brief Guide for Program Staff

  • Date Posted: June 14, 2019
  • Authors: CGillum
  • Document Types: Primer or Brief
  • Donor Type: U.S. Agency for International Development

This brief aims to aid program developers and implementers working on household economic strengthening (HES) interventions for OVCs to assess the quality of available evidence. It presents a Scoring Sheet for the Swift Appraisal of Household Economic Strengthening Studies (SSSA-HES), focusing on the most rigorous research designs. Ultimately, this tool should help HES program developers and implementers who encounter multiple studies with contradictory findings to decipher which studies were the most rigorously conducted and to become critical, objective consumers of evidence to guide their work.