Economic Strengthening and Social Empowerment Training for Female Sex Workers

  • Date Posted: March 20, 2020
  • Authors: Jennine Carmichael
  • Document Types: Other
  • Donor Type: U.S. Agency for International Development

The Economic Strengthening and Gender Empowerment Training for Female Sex Workers curriculum is designed to equip female sex workers (FSWs) with the skills needed to set life goals, communicate effectively, understand gender, take action against gender-based violence, empower themselves to avoid risky sex, and manage their finances and business affairs. This training comprises 20 lessons to be delivered during two one-and-a-half to two-hour sessions per week over a span of 12 weeks as part of comprehensive programming, including clinical and behavioral interventions, to reduce HIV transmission among FSWs. It covers three main subject areas: life skills, gender empowerment, and economic strengthening via financial literacy and entrepreneurship training. In addition to delivering the training sessions, facilitators are encouraged to conduct regular one-on-one coaching with participants. This curriculum acknowledges the diversity and agency among FSWs and does not aim to convince training participants to pursue other lines of work. Rather, it is designed to provide participants with the skills needed to improve their livelihoods, set goals, understand gender, take action against gender-based violence, and empower themselves to avoid risky sex.