Call for Collaboration – Systems Change ME&L Knowledge Exchange and Resource Sharing


Graphic showing systems.
Graphic showing systems. Photo: Photo by USAID/Honduras funded MESCLA activity.

The complex, dynamic nature of the market systems TMS is working with requires a unique ME&L approach, systems, methods, instruments, and capacities.

The USAID/Honduras and TMS activity team, supported by the USAID/Honduras ME&L Platform – Monitoring and Evaluation Support for Collaboration, Learning and Adaptation (MESCLA) – are seeking to identify and establish collaborative learning relationships with other USAID and non-USAID activities/projects that are employing ME&L approaches for systems change.

We have special interest in finding other activities/projects with experience and resources to share around:

  • Attribution to Project/Activity Actions – quantifying the amount/extent of systemic change occurring, and attribution to program/project/activity actions.
  • Secondary Direct and Indirect Effects – developing multipliers to estimate the effects of activity action on secondary direct and indirect activity beneficiaries – particularly quantifying jobs created and/or improved.
  • Copying and Imitation – how other activities have measured the breadth and depth of copying and crowding in MSD activities.
  • Impact of BEE Reform – quantifying impact of Business Enabling Environment Reform (BEE) such as Regulatory Impact Analysis – particularly for jobs created and employment.
  • Sentinel or other Early Change Indicators – identifying, selecting, and developing sentinel indicators and/or other early-change measures to inform decisions of whether to adapt, scale-up, or drop a pilot/intervention.
  • Measuring Competitiveness, Resilience and Inclusion - specific qualitative and quantitative techniques and detailed methodologies for identifying which, how, and to what extent changes in a market system is affecting market system competitiveness, resilience, and inclusivity
  • Localizing Data and Information Ownership: Collection, Learning and Sharing – integrating data collection and data management with partners, working with local public and private sector partners to embrace data and information collection, learning, and sharing.

If you are interested and willing to share your experiences, knowledge, and resources you are currently using, or have recently used for monitoring, evaluating, and learning about systems change, please let us know by responding to the Google form.

Thank you for your collaboration!

The USAID/Honduras, TMS, and MESCLA teams