VC Learning Event: Understanding Gender and Culture in Market Systems (Session Resources)

  • Date Posted: February 12, 2012
  • Document Types: Tool, Other
  • Donor Type: U.S. Agency for International Development

The related resources below are products of the "Understanding Gender and Culture and Market Systems" session of USAID's Meeting the Challenges of Value Chain Development: A Learning Event.

Session Description:

Many of the interventions needed to make value chains competitive and to facilitate broad-based growth are rooted in catalyzing behavior and social change in communities and among value chain players.  In addition, changes in market systems can affect socio-cultural practices by shifting control over resources. How can projects understand socio-cultural dynamics, and how can they turn that understanding into activities and approaches that facilitate behavior and social change that leads to increased incomes, well-being and equity? This session looked at the interconnection of social dimensions, including gender, with market systems, and encouraged discussion around how development stakeholders can best respond to these social dimensions.