microReport #85: Development of a BDS Market in Rural Himalayas

  • Date Posted: June 2, 2010
  • Authors: Lucy Creevey, Momar Ndiaye
  • Organizations/Projects: Weidemann Associates
  • Document Types: Technical Report
  • Donor Type: U.S. Agency for International Development

The goal of the USAID-funded Development of a BDS Market in Rural Himalayas Project was to promote the dairy subsector through the development of BDS market activities which aimed to increase the demand for and supply of BDS, improve the quality and quantity of milk and milk products sold by subsistence-level dairy owners, and the income earned by these dairy farmers.

This Impact Assessment study measures impact at three levels: the client (the micro dairy entrepreneur); the BDS market (providers); and the product market (consumers or buyers of milk and milk products). It seeks to establish the baseline business situation of the BDS providers, the farmers and the market for milk products in the districts, and then looks at the changes that took place during and after project implementation with an effort to ascertain whether changes can be attributed to the interventions of the project.